Kittie started dating her daughter’s boyfriend Butch when he was 17 years old. They apparently dated for over twenty years, during which time Kittie purchased him a house to “use.” Butch later moved into the house with his girlfriend Peaches. Butch and Peaches had a daughter Maggie. Butch was frequently physically abusive and often threatened both Peaches and Kittie while brandishing his .45 revolver. One night Peaches had enough. She seized Butch’s revolver after he went to bed, shot him in the back and killed him. The grand jury no billed Peaches. Their daughter was Butch’s only heir. Butch died without a will. Do Peaches’ actions affect her ability to inherit from Butch’s estate? Can Peaches become the legal representative of Butch’s estate for herself and their minor daughter Maggie? Can Kittie get her house back?Continue Reading Live-In Mom Killed Daughter’s Father: Her Rights to the Child’s Inheritance?