Believing that she could no longer endure around-the-clock noise, dust and truck traffic in her residential Denton neighborhood, Lisa Frick and friends collected signatures to put a proposed ordinance on today’s ballot Generally Providing That Hydraulic Fracturing Operations are Prohibited in the City of Denton. Frac Petroleum Company, among others, argues that the City
Five New Texas State Laws from the 83rd Legislature Affecting Every Business
By Jamie Ribman on
Posted in *2013 Legislative Updates, *BTW - Noteworthy
Jeff Leach (LRM associate and Texas House Representative), helped us recap 5 bills of critical interest to you and your business passed in the last Session.
Drug testing required to receive unemployment benefits IF employer required pre-employment drug screening.
The legislation, effective September 1, mandates if someone submits …
Drilling Your Own Water Well – It’s a Mighty Deep Subject
By Cleve Clinton on
Posted in *Way Out - Advice, Property Issues
Fearing that her beautiful landscaping will wither away from lack of water and feeling shafted by the ceaseless torrent of water usage limitations imposed by her city, Misty Spring is thinking about drilling a well in her own backyard. But does Misty own the water under her land and can she drill a well for…