In recent months we have discussed litigation funding, specifically covering what litigation funding entails, whether such agreements are legal in different jurisdictions and the ethical issues surrounding litigation funding agreements. There’s an opportunity to continue the conversation as we keep a close eye on the Texas Legislative Session, just as we did last month with a recap of bills related to civil litigation. Members of the Texas House and Senate introduced bills relating to the disclosure of litigation funding in state court lawsuits.
Continue Reading Could Litigation Funding Disclosure Be Coming to Texas?
litigation finance
Ethical Issues Arising in Litigation Funding
This is the third installment in a series on litigation funding. The first article provided an overview of litigation funding. Last month’s installment focused on the legality of litigation funding. This article concentrates on potential ethical issues associated with litigation funding.
Should Courts Require Disclosure of Litigation Funding Agreements?
Continue Reading Ethical Issues Arising in Litigation Funding
Is Litigation Funding Legal?
Last month, this blog provided an overview of litigation funding, and identified a number of issues which we planned to cover over the next several months. This month’s installment focuses on the legality of litigation funding.
Continue Reading Is Litigation Funding Legal?