Taking advantage of his car dealership owning parents being on vacation in the Bahamas, Cache Bar, a minor, invites his high school buddies over to liberate his parents’ locked libation cabinet. Well lubricated, Cache builds quite the bonfire in the backyard knowing that no one in their hometown of Daughtry, Texas, can water their lawns because of the severe drought. The bonfire consumes Cache’s backyard grass, and then spreads and destroys three million-dollar mansions on Cache’s street. When Cache is charged with intentionally starting a fire that recklessly damaged his neighbors’ homes, his parents scramble for a defense to help him avoid arson charges – a state jail felony. Cache’s parents read a news article about another Texas teenager who avoided jail by asserting an “affluenza” defense – that the teenager was the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for their son. Will “affluenza” keep Cache out of jail? If so, does that affect his parents?
Criminal Law
Application of Criminal Double Jeopardy
Lou Pole was indicted on charges of first degree murder and pled not guilty to the killing of his three-year-old son. The prosecution sought the death penalty in a six week trial that received intensive national media attention and was a popular topic on television talk shows. Pole did not testify at his trial. To…
Red Light Traffic Camera Violations
Bjorn Free left Dallas for a 10 day photo safari. While on his African adventure, Bjorn’s 20-year-old son, recently back from college and in need of a place to stay, agrees to house sit. Upon his return and after getting rid of some serious jetlag, Bjorn goes through his giant pile of mail. Hidden among…
Internet Gambling in the U.S.
For Amarillo Slim, April 15th this year was much more than “Tax Day,” it was Black Friday when the Justice Department charged the owners of his favorite online poker sites PokerStars, Full Tilt, Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, with bank fraud and money laundering and shut them down. In addition to shutting down the…
When and When Not to Take a Breathalyzer Test
After downing vodka gimlets at a friend’s Super Bowl bash, Al Coholic gets behind the wheel of his shiny bimmer and carefully winds his way up Central Expressway. Al travels a few miles before he notices flashing red lights in his rear view mirror and realizes that a police officer is pulling him over. Al…