Stephen F. Austin is the CEO of Alamo Lines, a bus line servicing Central Texas. One night, a young, promising driver, David Boone, confessed to Stephen that he was suffering from severe depression and suicidal thoughts. Boone did not mention that his depression was due to the breakup of his romantic relationship with co-worker, Samantha
Happy Fourth of July Weekend!
By Cleve Clinton on
Posted in *BTW - Noteworthy, Around the Holidays
Sure, fireworks are fun, but be cautious and careful.
Below are Texas’ Top 10 fireworks laws (but remember, laws may vary county to county) reposted from our July 2008 blog.
For a great Independence Day Parade, check out the Rotary Club of Park Cities 4th of July Parade for parade route and time.
Happy Independence Day to America, this July 4, 2014!
- Ever notice how we don’t shoot fireworks off for Easter? Fireworks can only be sold from June 24th through July 4th and December 20th through January 1st.
- It is illegal to sell or shoot fireworks within 100 feet of a place where flammable liquids, flammable compressed gasses or fireworks are sold or stored. Makes sense to me!
- Despite what you may have seen in the movies, it is illegal to shoot fireworks from or towards a motor vehicle, including boats.
- It is illegal to shoot fireworks from a public roadway, public property, park, lake or U.S. Corps of Engineer Property. Would hate to set a lake on fire.
- The minimum age to buy or sell fireworks was recently changed from 12 to 16. Should probably be 26.
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