Faced with increasing healthcare costs and wanting to be a good role model, Gus Grohcer of Canned Foods 4 Less advises all prospective employees that he does not hire smokers and tests for nicotine, making all job offers “contingent upon passing a pre-hire drug screen including nicotine test.” During the ninety day probationary period, Chimm
Part Time Work – Part Time Healthcare?
By Cleve Clinton on
Posted in *BTW - Noteworthy, Employment & Labor
By the end of 2013, The Codfather Seafood Restaurant’s workforce of over 400 full-time employees must be reduced to less than 50 full-time employees. Willy Fry, owner of the Codfather Seafood chain, is also requiring his managers to limit all part-time employees to less than 28 hours a week. Why?
Willy believes the Patient Protection…
ObamaCare: Is it Really Out of the Woods?
By Cleve Clinton on
Dan Driver’s rapidly growing computer IT business Byte Back is busier than ever and needs help. Not forgetting his cash flow crunches of 2007, Dan is watching labor costs steadily rise. Healthcare insurance is his #2 greatest expense behind wages. All of this talk about employee healthcare insurance has left Byte Back paralyzed as an…